Turbo Charge Your Receivables

Automate | Collaborate | Collect

TurboAR - Automate Invoice Followups, Work Together, Collect Payments. | Product Hunt


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Thousand Invoices Chased MoM

Customised workflows for every client.

Define follow up plans and day wise action items for every client. Schedule automatic reminders across e-mail, sms and WhatsApp

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    Don't miss another promise to pay
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    No manual tracking of invoice reminder date

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    Easy to spot accounts that need attention

Super charge your followups

Collaborate seamlessly with other teams.

Bring your discussions with key stake holders from other teams like sales, product, marketing or engineering onto one platform. 

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    Never miss another communication thread 
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    No need to re-tell same thing to multiple people
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    No need for searching of old emails for context

Improve Cash Flows.

Take control of your receivables effortlessly with Turbo AR. Gain real-time access to the latest receivable position and take corrective actions.

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    Real time ageing balance snapshots

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    Outstanding and collected reports

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    Pre due reminders for on time payments.

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Key Benefits

TurboAR comes with a slew of benefits...

Advanced Unibox

Have all client communication (sms, e-mail, WhatsApp, voice) in single place.

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Email Reminders

Send automated E-mail reminders that are contextual based on overdue age.

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WhatsApp Reminders

Turbo AR supports multiple channels to send reminders, including WhatsApp which has highest read rates.

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SMS/Text Reminders

This time tested way reminding never lets you down. We've partnered with Plivo, one of the best text messaging platform to send your reminders.

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AI Insights

Turbo AR supports AI across the platform. Summaries of long email threads, dispute identification and reply suggestions are some key features.

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Multi User

Add all your team members and work seamlessly on your invoices on one platform. We also support auditor, accountant and general accesses.

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What our users are saying

Hear it from our early adopters themselves

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    "TurboAR has been an important tool for our accounts receivable management. Its intuitive interface and powerful automation tools have enabled us to streamline our invoicing process and reduce outstanding receivables effectively. I highly recommend TurboAR to any business serious about improving their cash flow."

    Screenshot 2024-04-27 at 4.03.48 PM

    Sarah Johnson

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    "We've seen a remarkable transformation in our receivables management since implementing TurboAR. Its advanced features, including automated reminders and insightful reporting, have allowed us to significantly reduce outstanding amounts. The team has been very helpful from the start! TurboAR is an indispensable tool for any finance team.

    Screenshot 2024-04-27 at 4.04.30 PM

    John Wagner

    Finance Manager
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    "TurboAR has been a lifesaver for our small business. With its user-friendly interface and automated follow-up system, we've been able to streamline our invoicing process and accelerate cash flow. Thanks to TurboAR, we've seen a noticeable reduction in overdue payments, allowing us to focus more on growing our business. Highly recommended!"

    Screenshot 2024-04-27 at 4.04.05 PM

    Ahmed Hussein


    Ready to turbo charge your receivables with TurboAR?

    Automate | Collaborate | Collect