Works best with QuickBooks Online!



Workflows assign follow up tasks to your team.

Leverage the power of automated workflows, enabling your team to focus on task execution without the stress of prioritizing their next move.

  • Workflows assign tasks like "call customer" or "send 3rd follow up reminder" based on follow up plan.
  • All tasks can be customised, one could have personal tasks also.
  • Tasks can be automatically set to run like "send reminder automatically" or by user intervention (4 eye verification / maker checker concept)


Resolve client queries or disputes faster.

Turbo AR consolidates all team collaboration tools into one platform, simplifying communication across sales, product, support, and more. Its unique Unibox feature allows all members to view a client's entire communication history, starting with the initial invoice reminder.

  • Invite as many team members as you need from across the firm.
  • Tag members who you want to involve on an invoice with just "@" over chat.   
  • See entire log of replies, escalation, disputes at one single location.


See all communication with any given client at one location

Frequently, interactions with customers are scattered across various platforms - from emails and SMS to voice calls, and even modern communication channels like Telegram, WhatsApp, and Slack. Turbo AR's UniBox revolutionizes this by amalgamating every point of contact with a client into one convenient location, just a click away from you.

  • AI based summaries help you in identifying the crux of the client problem being discussed.
  • Automatic identification of dispute, next steps and gaps using AI
  • Send replies directly with a click of button from one location.




Offer multiple ways to pay and get paid online.

TurboAR's simplified unibox offers a centralized view of client communication for all users. This feature allows everyone on your team to see when clients have been reached out to, track responses, note upcoming payment dates, and more. In cases of employee absence, others can seamlessly take over, ensuring continuity and smooth operations.

  • Payments are integrated into reminders, one less system to worry about.
  • Use multiple payment gateways and let TurboAR pick the one with highest success rate and lowest fees. You always get the best result.

Ready to Turbo Charge your receivables with TurboAR ?

Automate | Collaborate | Collect